
Iron Spider-Man is Amazon 'Shattered Dimensions' bonus ... unlock

What If... Cosmic Spider-Man and Iron Spider-Man were pitted against each other as opposing retailer pre-order bonus characters? Further complicating the continuity of a not-so-tidy superhero storyline, Amazon is offering to manipulate the appearance of the Iron Spider-Man costume in Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions' 2099 dimension for your pre-order purchase of the game. In other words, "you'll receive a code to unlock Iron Spidey early," explains HeroHQ, Activion's Marvel games web base. Amazon will also ship you an art book.

Sulking there in the background, the previously revealed GameStop pre-order bonus, Cosmic Spider-Man, is playable in all four of the game's dimensions (of which still only three have been revealed). Cosmic Spidey will actually have a unique look in each dimension and is being advertised as a true "exclusive" for GameStop pre-order purchases (but is not listed as a bonus for the Wii version of the game).

Not such a thrilling "What If" scenario, after all. Now, if we add Spider-Ham to the equation ...