
New details revealed for upcoming Darkfall expansion

If you're not a regular Darkfall player, it's easy to have a one-sided view of the game as a nonstop PvP gank-factory. And while the team at Aventurine make no secret about their feelings on how casual gamers intersect with their genre, there's a lot more to the game than simply hunting other players. The upcoming free expansion is a case in point, focusing on the PvE aspects of play to make them more engaging. It's a far-reaching set of changes to the PvE side of things, at that.

New monsters are being added along with new behaviors and tactics, meaning that players will have to think before engaging their enemies. Dungeons will be similarly improved, with monsters and quests added across the board to improve the experience of dungeon crawling. The full list of planned updates can be read here on the official forums, where we also find a preliminary launch date for the expansion of July 18th. Darkfall players should look forward to the upcoming expansion, as it promises to add many more play aspects to the already multi-faceted game.

[Thanks to Bartillo for the tip!]