
Newest round of DDO screenshots depict final Phiarlan Carnival quest

There's no doubt that Dungeons and Dragons Online Update 5 has had its share of troubles -- Turbine's still hard at work trying to sort out some of the difficulties -- but it's got plenty of upsides as well.

Some of the most prominent of those have been the very well-received overhaul of House Phiarlan and the new adventure pack, Phiarlan Carnival. Haven't ventured in yet? The newest round of screenshots might just tempt you into giving it a try. Today's screenshots are of "Over the Big Top," the final quest in the series. The quest offers evil soothsayers, a guy who teaches you the secret behind the saw-the-lady-in-half trick, and trained hellhounds atop giant fireballs -- what's not to love?

Check out the gallery below for a preview of the quest.
