
Hands on with Spider: Bryce Manor HD

On Thursday, iOS developer Tiger Style will release Spider: Bryce Manor HD in App Store. TUAW was lucky enough to get an early peek at this application. Spider was one of the most popular iPhone games of last year, and offers an interactive puzzle where you explore an abandoned mansion as a tiny arachnid, building webs to trap insects. I gave Spider a hands-on try and, as you can see in the video, I am neither nimble nor quick. I found the game mildly entertaining but a little frustrating -- I think most users who are a little better coordinated will have more fun building their webs and catching their insects but klutzes like myself might not have as much fun.

First released on the iPhone, the game has been redesigned thoroughly for the iPad. Developer David Kalina tells us, "We took a lot of care making the game really sing on the iPad, [adding] an iPad exclusive single device multiplayer game mode called 'Sidekicks' -- it's the sort of experience that you can really only have on the iPad." I appreciated the graphics and music design, where clearly a lot of time has been invested.

The game should be available on the iPad this Thursday for $4.99. If you missed this title last year, the iPad's bigger screen might be just the place to try it out for yourself.