
Tuesday Morning Post: We make our own news edition

Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. It's been a surprisingly sluggish week for WoW news. This may be because the dev team is recovering from the San Diego Comic Con, or because they're playing too much Starcraft II. Myself, I'm thinking that they may have spent all their mojo making the Maelstrom as epic as possible. Whatever it is, they're giving a pass on server maintenance this week as well, so if you play in the early morning hours (or rather, what is early morning on the west coast of the USA), you're in the clear to keep on playing.

Of course, not everyone can play right now. Some of us are stuck at work or school. For all of you, we bring the usual round up of news from the past week, and there's some pretty good stuff in there, including screenshots of some never before seen Cataclysm zones! Check it out after the break.

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