
The Black Keys headed to Rock Band next week

"No duh, Joystiq -- it's called the Piano peripheral," you may scoff, but we're talking about the band The Black Keys, not the new Rock Band 3 peripheral. You'll soon be able to jam to their particular brand of blues-rock in Harmonix's Rock Band series, a missive on the band's official site details.

Starting next week, you'll be able to access The Black Keys Pack 01 through your Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii, which contains "Strange Times," "I Got Mine" and the band's most recognized track, "Your Touch." Savvy readers will likely best know it as the theme song for the bulletproof tiger himself, Kenny Powers.

Each track will be available as individual downloads on Xbox Live, PSN and Wii for 160 Microsoft Points, $1.99 on PSN and 200 Wii Points, respectively -- or you can download the entire pack for 440 Microsoft Points or $5.49.