
Gears of War 2 bonus XP weekend requires some long division

Gears of War 2 executive producer Rod Fergusson recently revealed on Twitter that folks who play the shooter's multiplayer component over Labor Day weekend will be treated to a little something special. Yes, Epic is rewarding players with yet another extended weekend of bonus XP -- though this time, the value of the multiplier is being determined in a decidedly sinister manner.

Fergusson revealed that the number of people who Like the official Gears of War page on Facebook will be divided by 1,000 to determine the XP multiplier over Labor Day weekend. At the time of this writing, that figure is sitting at a little over 14,800 users, which should result in a hefty experience boost. Of course, taking the planet's current population into account, you could easily bump that multiplier up to 6.8 million times the standard XP rate, provided you're willing to do a great deal of word-spreading.

[Thanks, Richard!]