
Ex-APB devs take shots at Realtime Worlds

The sordid saga of All Points Bulletin continues, this time via the comments of ex-Realtime Worlds developers who have decided to air their grievances in public. Luke Halliwell, a six-year veteran of the company who worked on both APB and the seminal Xbox 360 open-world actioner Crackdown, minced few words on his personal blog. "There had been mounting discontent internally about the competence of our top management -- and what better proof could you need than this. How they could keep operating the company when they couldn't even pay this month's wages, I don't know. Presumably they continued to think we had a chance somehow; the behaviour of a deluded, greedy, addicted gambler," he writes.

Not to be outdone, an anonymous poster claiming to be a former APB dev posted in the comments of a Rock, Paper, Shotgun article about the studio's implosion, pinning the blame on Realtime Worlds' business model as well as "fairly directionless creative leadership."

Halliwell also mentions APB's troubles as they relate to the onslaught of free-to-play titles flooding the marketplace. "Then a few things happened. Facebook. Farmville. The iPhone. Nintendo's resurgence. Casual gaming. Free-to-play. It started to feel like Realtime Worlds was a massive dinosaur, building these massive things that nobody wanted," he said.