
NintendoWare Weekly: Crazy Pinball, Lost Island

Let's see if you can find a theme in this week's WiiWare and DSiWare downloads: There's a casual strategy title, pinball, a notebook application and, finally, a hidden object game. Well? Have you figured out the theme? No? Well, please let us know once you do. We're having a little trouble ourselves.

Click past the jump for more details about this week's downloadable releases.


  • Adventure on Lost Island – Hidden Object Game (Ateam Inc., 1–4 Players, 500 Wii Points): A hidden object game that's purportedly "fun for kids and adults." We guess that means you won't be searching for any mature items, like in most other hidden object games.


  • Castle Conqueror (CIRCLE Entertainment, 1 Player, 500 DSi Points): A real-time strategy title for casual strategists. Features stylus-based controls and, as you probably assumed from the title, a grip of castles and conquerors.

  • Crazy Pinball (dtp entertainment, 1 Player, 500 DSi Points): It's like having five pinball machines in your pocket, only without the novelty-sized pants and paralyzing back pain.

  • myNotebook: Tan (Nnooo, 1 Player, 500 DSi Points): myNotebook allows you to take notes in a virtual notebook, "or even play your favorite pen-and-paper games (games not included)." You've gotta draw that tic-tac-toe board yourself, chief.