
Call of Duty: Black Ops guide to include 'Nazi Zombie Coverage'

The thing about a Nazi zombie is that it tends not to re-die until it's been utterly obliterated. So, it's totally plausible that the Nazi Zombie scourge continued to pester ill-fortified strongholds long after World War II. Considering Treyarch's commitment to historical entertainment, the developer could definitely get away with reintroducing the evilest undead into the Cold War setting of Call of Duty: Black Ops -- and BradyGames' strategy guide could devote a chapter to surviving the persistent threat.

In fact, product descriptions for the guide on GameStop and Play-Asia highlight "Nazi Zombie Coverage" (in addition to the typical tactical advice; e.g., "Did you know? Aiming down the sights will increase the accuracy of your shot"). Presumably, the Nazi Zombie coverage will detail the "Nazi Zombies" mode in Black Ops, which has yet to be announced by Treyarch.

Nazi Zombies was first hinted at for Black Ops last month by a retail listing. The popular minigame was introduced in World at War and later became a standalone iPhone game. "Zombies in World at War was a huge success and we were blown away by how well the fans received it," Treyarch producer Dan Bunting told us in a May interview.

Update: According to statements made by Treyarch studio head Mark Lamia in the new issue of Edge (via CVG), the developer "continued to evolve [Nazi Zombies] after World At War. There was a dialogue going on with some of our hardcore community, and we were able to interact with the community and evolve -- we did that with our zombie lore." Should we be on the lookout for Soviet Zombies now? Treyarch still isn't saying for sure; though community manager Josh Olin recently tweeted: "If Zombies have anything to do with our top-secret Co-Op mode, then it's a safe bet there will be a trailer for it eventually ..."