
TopWare says Two Worlds 2 is done, disputes SouthPeak's delay claim

Awwwkward. Two Worlds 2 was recently delayed in North America until January 2011 because, according to regional publisher SouthPeak, it planned to take the extra time for "heavyweight quality assurance," so the game was "absolutely flawless" for launch. TopWare Interactive, a subsidiary of the game's European publisher Zuxxez, apparently didn't appreciate that messaging and called it "factually incorrect."

Speaking to Gamespot, TopWare's managing director, James Seaman, said the delay was made because of the "exceptionally crowded" holiday season. The company (which oversees Two Worlds 2 developer Reality Pump) allegedly finished all "production, bug testing and localization" work in mid-September and plans to release the game in a few territories on October 21. The January launch in North America will feature the same content as the European release, except for the expected patch updates.

This whole messaging debacle gives us an Alpha Protocol vibe. Hopefully, it'll have a more positive outcome.