
Hold your iPhone in a Batman-style utility belt

Being the huge Batman fan that I am, I couldn't pass this one up. What you see above is an actual Batman-style utility belt called the TDK Utility Pouch, modeled after the one worn in the last Batman movie. But instead of compartments for gas canisters, audio bugs, or batarangs, this belt has a large pouch built specially for holding a cell phone exactly like the iPhone. You can adjust the various pouches on the belt as you see fit, but the largest one is perfectly iPhone-sized.

It makes sense -- the iPhone can do most of the things that the Bat-computer can do, and what better tool to fight crime than a GPS, camera, and 3G-equipped handheld device. The Bat-belt doesn't come cheap, though -- the prop company selling it wants $149.00, and there are only 750 out there. But if you want to really go all the way for Halloween (or maybe start handing out some vigilante justice yourself -- though we can't legally recommend it), it might be the phone-carrying accessory for you.

[via Cult of Mac]