
One Shots: This is the life

MMO players certainly are a passionate bunch. We crave rich worlds with a certain balance of immersion, play, and other various factors to make our experience enjoyable. That's why when we find a world that fits all our expectations, we love to latch on and tell the world about why we think that particular MMO is great. Today's Lord of the Rings Online image and note comes to us from regular contributor, Redwense, who has found such a world in Turbine's game. Since his note is a bit long, we'll say that you can tell us why your favorite MMO rocks your socks by sending in a screenshot, a note, and your name to us here at And now, on with Redwense's letter -- be sure to check out the rest of it behind the break!

"I would just like to say that I found the 'new' design of Archet quite engaging. The woman in the window invites players to figuratively 'look up' and enjoy the little details that have gone into Turbine's rendition of Middle-earth. (Speaking of 'looking up,' I still find the skies of the Lord of the Rings Online very epic.) The 'old' Archet felt lifeless and static, but now I can somehow feel the hustle and bustle of a small community of villagers that is uncertain of the future. The revamped early introduction quest featuring Frodo and Strider (Hobbit prologue) especially helped with the transition."

"I believe few MMORPGs have been able to capture the feeling of a living, breathing town or city, and it is in my hope that with the reboot of LotRO, we will soon see more new zones of even greater quality. Moreover, interactivity would be a plus! Turbine's adaptation demands more activities to take advantage of its richness. Nowadays, MMORPGs have forgotten about the 'world' part of designing a compelling virtual setting to adventure, exploit, and simply 'live' in. (Call me old fashioned!)"