
WoW Insider's BlizzCon reader meetup update

A few weeks ago, we announced the time and place of our 2010 BlizzCon Reader Meetup. In case you missed it:

Where: The patio near the poolside of the Anabella hotel
When: Thursday, Oct. 21 at 7 p.m.
What: Mingling, toasts, guest stars, joy
Why: It's, uh, BlizzCon 2010.
Wear: Shirts and shoes required

Today, we wanted to let you in on some of the exciting guests and giveaways we have planned this year's meetup. Last year's big surprise was the cast of the The Guild arriving on the scene. Though Felicia Day is unable to attend BlizzCon this year due to her current shooting schedule in Canada, she will be joining us via Skype! Scheduled to appear, in person no less, are a number of other WoW enthusiasts we have profiled on our site, including actress Michele Morrow, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's Aron Eisenberg, Frag Doll Amy "Valkyrie" Brady and many more. Also, the husband and wife team behind the creation of Lego Booty Bay will be there with their creation.

No WoW Insider event would be complete without phat loot. Cryptozoic, the company behind the WoW Trading Card Game, will be handing out a booster pack of the current Icecrown TCG expansion to the first 1,200 attendees at the door. In addition, during the meetup, we will be running a number of contests that night to unload the following prizes:

Giveaways presented by the ladies of the Apotheosis Agency, aka women in WoW costumes who actually play the game. Don't miss out on the fun. Come by, say hello to the WoW Insider staff and enjoy an exciting evening sure to be one of the highlights of BlizzCon 2010!