
What is the Jawbone 'Nerd Dongle'?

Aliph is a company known for producing its line of Jawbone Bluetooth headsets -- emphasis on "headsets." So when we see a product in the FCC from Aliph with Jawbone branding described as the "Nerd Dongle" and looking a whole lot like a USB stick, you can imagine that our curiosity is piqued a bit. From the test report, it seems there's a lot of testing going on in the 2.4GHz range, which would be indicative of either Bluetooth or WiFi... most likely Bluetooth, if we had to bet. Other than that, though, the possibilities are wide open -- we can't imagine this isn't anything more than a standard Bluetooth dongle, especially considering that virtually all laptops have it built-in these days. Any educated (or uneducated) guesses?