
Aventurine reaches out to Darkfall community with tournament video

Darkfall's devs are going out of their way to interact with the community of late. Whether it's in the form of new blog entries or unannounced presences at in-game events, it's clear the Aventurine braintrust is interested in keeping their fingers firmly on the community's pulse. The latest outreach example takes the form of a forum post by Tascha, a developer who shares a company-produced video that was recently recorded at a dueling tournament on the game's EU server. "Several of us, including Aventurine's CEO, where watching from the shadows during the last 1vs1 Tournament on EU organized by Ninogan Swiftstep," Tascha writes.

As for the tourney itself, it was a labor of love for Swiftstep. "When you spend as much time as you do with an MMO, you want to make the most of your time and do cool stuff. For Darkfall, which is all about PvP for me, doing something like this felt natural," he says.

Keep an eye on Darkfall's community events forum for more happenings around the world of Agon, and don't forget to check out the tourney video after the break.