
One Shots: Deep space divas

While there have always been interesting stories of exploration and imagination within the Star Trek series, another thing you were certain to see was beautiful women. From Uhura, Mudd's women, and more in the original series on up to Jadzia Dax on Deep Space Nine onwards, Star Trek has never been hurting for lovely ladies. Apparently Star Trek Online has no shortage of curvaceous femmes, either. However, determining just who is the better-looking lady can sometimes evolve into polite rivalries such as the one spotlighted today. This One Shots image comes to us from Joseph, who feels his avatar is the fairest of them all. He writes in: "[Here's a shot of] my character in front of Leeta, the Dabo Girl. I think I'm hotter."

If you're playing a game we don't get to see very often on One Shots, we want to hear from you! The variety in this daily feature is based entirely on players' sending in their images. If you'd like to help us (and your favorite game) out, then snap a great screenshot and email it in to us here at Be sure to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing in the image. We'll post it out here for everyone to check out and give you the credit for sending it in!