
The Classifieds: Raegwyn solos Kael'thas Sunstrider

Yesterday, the world as we knew it came to a shattering end. It's a whole new game out there, even if it's a few more weeks until Cataclysm crashes onto our desks. It's a great time to tip our hat to Raegwyn, who has released a video of his solo kill of Kael'thas Sunstrider.

The video takes place at ludicrous speed. You get a great idea of Raegwyn's technique as he maneuvers the kills. While the death knight clearly has some advantages over old raiders when the content was contemporary, this is the only solo kill of Sunstrider I can recall seeing. It's really quite the testament to Raegwyn's skill. Make sure you check out our feature interview of the solo artist to get more information.

Random Acts of Uberness

It's when another player lights up your night with precise play, a wicked sense of humor or unexpected generosity that your login becomes something to remember. Share your Random Acts of Uberness with Keep things brief (150 words or less, please), and be sure to list everyone's character names and home realms or battlegroup.

Unnamed Warrior I had been farming Princess for almost every invasion for two days trying to get a shield. Depressed over the way RNG seemed to scorn me, I decided to go for one more try before giving up. And I tied the warrior on the roll. The RNG automatically gave it to the warrior who promptly opened a trade window. "You need this more than I do." I nearly cried with joy at his kindness on top of what had been a Really Bad Day. -- Twilaof Uldaman

Community news

It's a big World ... of Warcraft. Keep an eye on what's happening around the web with the Classified's community news.

Happy birthday
Happy 13th anniversary to <Cross of Valor>! The guild has chapters on Garona (US-Alliance), Ravencrest (US-H), and Archimonde (US-H). They started as a group of Christian Mac-gamer friends on Myth, and core members went on to play together on various games, finally landing in World of Warcraft.

Stress survey to win a game card
Holly Hale is a grad student at the University of Detroit Mercy. She's preparing a dissertation focusing on the management of stress, using World of Warcraft as a tool. As such, she's asking for volunteers to take her survey. If you do so, you'll be entered in a random drawing to receive a free 60-day prepaid game card. If you win, the information about the game card will be sent to you by email, so make sure you leave an accurate, real email address. You can find more information at the web site. Fair warning: the survey takes about 10 minutes.

Employment: Guild recruitment

If you've not already started advertising for Cataclysm raiders, now's a great time to put out your message. After all, the release is only about a month away, and when the expansion officially hits the servers, we're all going to be very, very busy. Send in your guild name, realm, a link to your guild website or armory listing and a sentence or two on your guild's focus (10-man, RP, late-night raiding, whatever) to

Any level goes <Wrong Association> of (Elune US-A) We are a small social guild looking to expand our ranks. We enjoy achievement hunting, silliness, companion pet collection, and any other random fun while chatting. A good sense of humor and a love for just making new friends is all that is really required. Accepting mains and alts of any level for an awesome time.

Casual players <Shadows End> on Sisters of Elune (US-H) is recruiting casual players for Cataclysm content. We focus on achievement hunting, rep grinding, profession leveling and 5-man dungeons with the hopes of organizing 10-man raids in the future. Apply at our web site.

Elite and recruiting <Elite Horde Army> of Shu'Halo (US-H) is currently seeking semi-serious raiders to fill two 10-man core groups for Cataclysm. We are currently recruiting all classes in order to fill these groups. We currently anticipate one of these runs already being full, but expect to have room for five or six players on the second run.

European weekends <Weekend Warriors> of Hellscream (EU-H) has been one-shot killing bosses and wiping on trash since 2007. We are a mature (18+), progression-based, 10-man raiding guild, for those who want to see the top level content but have lives outside of the game. We raid twice a week. We're currently looking for healers and ranged DPS.

New Cataclysm guild <Industrial Toaster> of Archimonde (US-H) is looking for mature and dedicated players interested in forming a completely new guild for Cataclysm. We want to take a casual and relaxed approach to Cataclysm and form a strict 10-man weekend raid group. Looking for signatures and folks interested in starting from scratch and enjoying everything the Cataclysm has to offer. Anyone interested can email

Server first <Sleepless Knights> of Bronzebeard (US-A) is almost six years old, and our main focus is building a strong raiding guild while maintaining a positive, friendly and fun raid environment. We raid three to four nights a week depending on available content and progression and do alt runs and group PvP on off nights. We've completed every hard mode encounter in the game pre-4.0 and are looking to add a few more exceptional players to our roster for Cataclysm. Please visit our website for current recruitment needs, or feel free to contact any guild member in game.

Social raiding <Resonance> of Thaurissan (US-H) is a new 10-man social raiding guild recruiting for Cataclysm. If you're looking for a nice guild to just hang out in or a strict 10-man raiding group, we're the guild for you. Ping either Arcerzi or Dantine for an invite.

Weekend casual 10-man <Familjen> is recruiting for Cataclysm 10-man raiding. We are in need of a steady raiders! Familjen is a small, family-based guild. We are a casual raiding guild whose goal is to have a successful raiding unit where people know each other and work well together as we progress through endgame content. We value people who want to be with us long term. Visit our web site.

Crack open The Classifieds for weekly player and community news, help finding the right guild, events of interest and more. Send us your shout-outs for Random Acts of Uberness and mail your news tips and announcements to