
Angry Birds Seasons app available now

Rovio has released Angry Birds Seasons, and it's now available on the App Store. The app is a free upgrade for those that purchased Angry Birds Halloween, or it's available to download for £0.59 in the UK ($0.99 in the US store). If you didn't purchase Angry Birds Halloween, you'll be pleased to know that the 45-level Halloween special edition is included as a free special episode called Trick or Treat -- hence the new title, Angry Birds Seasons. We can only hope that there will be further seasonal episodes to come.

Expanding on Angry Birds Halloween, the app introduces Season's Greetings. This brand new festive level is packed with 25 daily surprises to enjoy while counting down the days to Christmas, in much the same fashion as a traditional Advent calendar. Season's Greetings includes new achievements, Game Center support and a very merry golden egg.

[Speaking of Advent calendars, both Gameloft and Appvent are counting down the days until 12/25 with a different free app or special preview/discount every day. Don't miss out! –Ed.]

If you're an Angry Birds fan, we're sure you must be feeling like Christmas has come early this year. And if you didn't purchase the Halloween edition, well ... at this price, you can't exactly turn up your nose at it. You're now getting a whole lot of Angry Birds entertainment for not very much money at all.