
One Shots: Joining the fray

Having a rough day? Holiday stress have you firmly in its grip? Well if that's the case, you can always jump into an MMO and enjoy some hack-and-slash time, such as what regular One Shots contributor Reggie A. experienced recently. His action-packed game of choice was Vindictus, and thanks to his Eyefinity rig, he's managed to capture an enormous panoramic screenshot for us to enjoy today! Before we turn it over to him, we'll note that you should check it out at full size for best viewing. Now, on with Reggie's note: "After hearing about it a lot, I decided to give Vindictus a try, and OMG it rocks. I was out practicing the staff combos and got this shot at the end of a boss fight -- the blast from her finishing move killing blow rocketed the boss quite a few feet away! Satisfying victory! [There are] not enough Vindictus screens on Massively, so here you go in Eyefinity!"

We're all about those satisfying moments of MMO gaming. If you've captured a great screenshot recently, we'd love to see it. Just email it in to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here on Massively and give you the credit for sending it in!