
Updated: On the fifth day of giveaways, Mythic gave to me...

[UPDATE: All winners have been selected and contacted. Congratulations!]

On the fifth day of giveaways, Mythic gave to me... five upgrade codes!
On the fourth day of giveaways, ChangYou gave to me... four welcome gifts!

On the third day of giveaways, Icarus gave to me... three months of gameplay!
On the second day of giveaways, Hi-Rez gave to me... two gift packages!

On the first day of giveaways, Turbine gave to me... a lifetime VIP!

Today we continue Massively's
12 Days of Giveaways! During this 12-day event, you'll find presents galore, courtesy of some of the best MMOs out there. Every day until December 24th, we'll post a new contest for you to enter. We've got a huge pile of goodies to give away, so they're going to be fast and furious -- you'll have 24 hours from the time the contest is posted to enter. Don't worry, though, because we're going to do our best to accommodate everyone -- you'll simply have to leave a comment to be entered in the random drawing, and we'll be posting each contest at a different time of day.

Today's gifts are courtesy of Mythic, the creator of Warhammer Online and one of the grandaddies of the MMO genre, Ultima Online. Follow along after the jump to see what's up for grabs today!

Warhammer Online is celebrating the holidays with Keg End. It's a festival that most players look forward to, and here at Massively we've got just the thing for you to attend in style. Last month's Verminous Horde patch introduced RvR packs: Progression Packs for new armor and weapons as well as higher renown ranks, and a Personality Pack full of vanity pets, dyes, mounts, and barber surgeon tokens. You can purchase them in the EA Store for $10 each or $15 for the pair, or you can get them here for a grand total of $0. We've got codes for the whole set to share with five lucky Massively readers!

But wait, there's more! Ultima Online came out with some new content this fall as well -- the High Seas mini-expansion. High Seas brought players all sorts of nautical improvements and additions including new ships, improved ship combat, new markets, and more. High Seas sells for $14.99, but we've got five copies to share with you!

As always, check out our contest rules, and leave a comment below before tomorrow, December 18th at 1:00 p.m. to enter. Best of luck!