
En Masse sheds light on TERA's Mystic

The Mystic is sort of an unknown when it comes to TERA classes (at least in terms of available information). While there's no shortage of articles floating around the web about Berserkers, Sorcerers, and Warriors, Mystics have been shrouded in a bit of mystery unless you're one of the lucky few currently experiencing the Korean beta. Thanks largely to information translated from said beta, the TERA fan community has labeled the Mystic a hybrid class, and TERAfans sheds a bit more light on the archetype via a new interview with En Masse Entertainment production associate Scott James Magner.

So, is the Mystic a true hybrid? Magner says it depends on the player. "We can't stress enough the importance of player skill and player choices when playing TERA. All mystics will have access to the same skills and glyphs -- it's how you use them that will distinguish your mystic from other players. There's no one right way to play the game other than yours," he writes.