
DIY Composition notebook cover for MacBook Air

MacBook Air skinmod

Have an 11-inch MacBook Air and want to jazz it up with a skinmod that propels you back to your school days? If you responded with an enthusiastic "yes," then you need to check out this composition notebook skin from Beyondthetech. The skin will transform the outer lid of your MacBook Air into a traditional mottled black and white composition notebook. When you lift the lid, you are greeted with an interior skin that transforms your wrist rest into a piece of lined paper complete with two red margin lines. The look is not for everyone, but it is perfect for those that enjoy turning some heads.

The creator of this skinmod posted up the skin files on the Beyondthetech website, and you can use them to create a custom ZAGGSkin perfectly suited for the latest generation MacBook Air. The MacBook Air skin is a free download while the custom ZAGGSkin will set you back US$60 plus shipping and taxes. The designer of this skin also created the popular Leica camera skinmod for the iPhone 4, a clever printable skin that can be used with a Griffin Reveal case to make your iPhone look just like a Leica camera. Grab them both and really confuse your friends!

[Via The Daily What]