
Bill Roper hints at secret identity mechanic for Champions Online

Italian fansite spent some time recently with Bill Roper, talking about where Champions Online stands four months after release, and where they are going from here.

Roper answered some popular questions regarding issues such as the social aspect of Champions Online, the game's level of completion (or lack thereof) at launch and how Cryptic has progressed from there.

The interview also covered questions about Cryptic's upcoming plans for CO, such as the upcoming secret identity mechanic. It's an exciting idea for players, but one that Roper's not quite ready to divulge in detail about yet: "We're in the early design stages of this feature, so I'm not ready to talk about it. One of the things I have learned about communicating ideas is that once it's in an interview, it becomes gospel no matter how much you qualify it as being "mere ideas" or "discussions.""

The full interview covers these points in more detail and several others as well, and is a good read for anyone interested in Champions Online.