
Kevin Butler to star in PlayStation ads for rest of 2010

Kevin Butler, you need not worry: Your job as Sony's VP of First Person Shooter Relations is in no threat of ending. Neither is your job as Chief Weaponologist, VP of Epic Footage, VP of Big Action Moments and -- our favorite -- Family Activities Director. In an interview with IGN, SCEA senior vice president Peter Dille talked about the company's new "It Only Does Everything" slogan and marketing campaign. "It's been tremendously successful. Consumers love it. It's great to hear people like you guys love it. And the results are really in the sales because it's really been flying since this coincided in September with the launch of the new PS3."

The tremendous success of the ad campaign has guaranteed its continuation through 2010. "You can expect to see Kevin Butler inject a lot of life into the PlayStation brand between now and the rest of the year," Dille commented, and promised we'd see the tagline quite a bit "when motion control comes onto the scene." We personally cannot wait to see the ad Butler will star in for the PlayStation Motion Controller.