
Wii enters Tournament of Legends this May

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Mythological arena combat news now, with Sega announcing Tournament of Legends exclusively for the Wii. The 3D fighter, which appears to be the final incarnation of High Voltage's "Gladiator A.D.," is expected to cast down the gauntlet -- after it's undone the wrist strap -- in North America on May 18, 2010 A.D.

As you might expect, several larger-than-life figures ("some of the biggest playable characters on Wii," in fact) from world mythology are embroiled in the titular tournament, including a minotaur, gladiator, Valkyrie and Gorgon. Up to two players can enter the arena and have at each other with different weapons, magic and supported Classic Controllers. You can also summon "a man-eating lion," which scientists have repeatedly shown to be the only useful variant of the lion.