
One Shots: Red alert

One of the things we love to get from readers -- aside from great One Shots -- is little stories written about the screenshots in question. As a bunch of writers and MMO fans, the double-awesome of role-playing combined with creative writing sets our hearts a-flutter. As an example, this short, yet entertaining Star Trek Online tale comes to us from occasional One Shots contributor, Redwense. Remember if you'd like to take part in the fun, email your screenshots and stories to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name and the name of the game.

On that note, here's his report from the front lines of Star Trek Online. Be sure to read the rest after the break!

In Club 47, someone asked me how it was like to be in the chair of the USS Hallimere. He said I was a hero.

I don't remember much past the Klingon surprise attack, the field promotion, and my yelling "Brace for impact!" The seat is bucking me off. Consoles are erupting in flames. It's all a blur -- phasers, disruptors, and photon torpedoes decorating the stars.

In truth, it may be the shock. The glass is shaking in my hand.

I think I could get used to this.