
Alert! Hideo Kojima joins Twitter

So you've played all of the Metal Gear Solid games, you can draw the SSBB Snake stage from memory, and you've watched the G4 Icons special on Hideo Kojima so often you can lip sync along with it. But can you really be a Kojima superfan if you don't know that meetings make his stomach hurt, or that he's been feeling a little under the weather lately? We didn't think so. Fortunately, there is a way to know all of the things you probably shouldn't about the rock star game designer: He's now on Twitter.

At least we think it's him -- our Japanese isn't the best, but a Google translation of the page appears to verify it's Kojima (he's been tweeting his lunch and the view outside of his office window). So, even though Twitter has yet to approve "Kojima_Hideo" as a "verified account," we're geeking out over the tweets anyway. We were at first surprised to see that he's been watching Olympic curling, but then we thought about his games, and it just makes so much sense.