
WoW Insider Show on hiatus this weekend

Sadly, my friend, the Conan to my Andy, the Don Quixote to my Sancho Panza (I never did get my governorship) Michael Sacco is feeling under the weather and so, this weekend, there will be no WoW Insider show. We considered doing the show with just me hosting, but the prospect of an entire show dedicated to my poor choice in accents (is it Scottish, Russian, or pirate? I can't tell either) and talking about tanking on a warrior in excruciating detail didn't seem like the best move.

Never fear, next week our usual mix of commentary, top stories from the week's archives, and guest hosts will return, stronger than ever. Well, except for me. I'll pretty much be the same annoying guy I am now. I'll probably be hairier, though, as I've stopped shaving entirely. By next week I expect to be a full fledged sasquatch.

Our weekly podcast roundup is available for your podcast listening needs, and if you miss Mister Sacco's dulcet tones, you can catch up with our older episodes here.