
Choose My Adventure returns

We are very happy to announce that Choose My Adventure is returning to Previously, Alex Ziebart leveled Turpen according to the whims of readers. This time around, we have added even more reader participation and interaction:

  • We will have many adventurers: Many of the staff will be having readers choose their adventures. We'll offer weekly polls and have you decide how we'll level that week.

  • It came from the Blog will be our home: Our characters will all be Horde and are being created and played on Zangarmarsh (U.S.).

  • We will post our play schedules: You will be able to join us on our adventures, as we will post the times we will be playing. You may have seen Shawn Schuster do this over on our sister site, Massively.

More will be joining us, but we will begin with the following adventurers:

Adam Holisky: Adammentat, a Tauren Druid with aspirations toward tanking.

Michael Gray: Grayfield, a very sociable Tauren Hunter.

Elizabeth Harper is allowing the readers to choose which healing class to play:

Also, choose her race. The winning class will of course dictate which race is eligible for winning.

Robin Torres (that's me) is leaving it all (mostly) up to the readers, so choose my class:

I love the druid class, but I have a few and my willingness to play a warlock is spent on whatever time I play Itchee with The Spawn.

Please choose my race as well. Again, the winning class will determine the eligibility of the races.

And now to choose our adventure! Since we may sometimes group together and since it is simplest this way, we'll use the same poll for everyone this week. I've listed starting zones according to race and don't feel bad if you make us have to run our level 1 bods across the continent -- it will be part of the fun. (Note: Only Belfs can do the first few quests in the Belf area. If Blood Elf is chosen for Elizabeth and Robin, then they can go of course, but the others will have to go to the second choice.)

Polls end on Sunday and the results along with our play schedules will be posted on Monday for the week. Pick something fun for us!