
One Shots: Take me drunk, I'm home again

While the Spring Festival horse issue may be bumming some Lord of the Rings Online players out, there's always one way to deal with it -- get completely hammered in-game! (Out of game hammering is entirely optional, mind you.) Of course, if you do decide to go chasing pink elephants, this is the type of sight that will likely greet you, as captured by Andrew, also known as Pojoh on the Firefoot server. He writes in to explain this blurry Lord of the Rings Online image: "My burg was enjoying the Spring Festival near Bree. [The] objective was simple -- go into a maze, drink some ale, walk out of the maze. When your screen looks like this, well... it's easier said than done. Really loving the festival and the effort that Turbine puts into these things."

Are you taking part in an in-game event in your MMO of choice? If so, why not grab a screenshot of the merriment and send it to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com. Be sure to include your name, the name of the game and a description of what we're seeing. Yours could be the next one featured here on One Shots!