
Around Forks: OMG, the best pizza EVER

Another, uh, Note From The Editor: It turns out that Mass Effect Insider wasn't such a hit with the teen girls, so Aol asked us to focus on something more ... appealing to that demographic. And thus, Twilight Insider is here! Get all your latest vampirilicious news and insider gossip about the best-selling novels and blockbuster movies! (Let's see how long this one lasts ...)

OMG guys, Twilight Insider's very own Fox Van Allen sent in this pic of superhunk Taylor Lautner in his kitchen with 2008 Republican nominee for president, John McCain! He writes, "I have been TOTALLY lusting after Taylor Lautner ever since he turned legal at midnight on Feb. 11, 2010. As president of the Eastern Massachusetts chapter (#243) of the Team Jacob Fan Club and the Team John Fan Club, I've been writing every day to try and get them to show up at our meetings. Imagine my surprise when both showed up on the same day!"

Soooooo jealous, lol!

"I was worried Johnnie and Tay-tay wouldn't get along but they were TOTALLY chill and got along great! We had a hottest body competition (tie!) and got to hear them debate individual health care mandates and how they affect people who make less than 400% of the poverty level. Team Jacob had the edge on that one!"


"All good things come to an end tho. Johnnie had to go back to Arizona :(. But before he did, we got to shred some mozzarella on Lautner's lickable abs and made a pepperoni pizza! Yum!" OMG! ROFLLLL!!!!! <3 <3 <3

Do you have any unusual, beautiful or interesting Twilight images that are just collecting dust (as if!) on your hard drive? We'd love to see them on Around Forks! Sharing your screenshot is as simple as e-mailing with a copy of your shot and a brief explanation of the scene. You could be featured here next!

Remember to include your name, home town and/or fan club chapter if you want it mentioned. Please include the word "Twilight" in your email so it does not get swept into the spam bin. Please, no more Edward/Jacob slash fics or stills of the baseball scene from the first movie.