
Choose My Adventure: To PvP or not to PvP?

Choose the adventures of the staff as we level our characters in <It came from the Blog> on US Zangarmarsh-H.

We're on fire! Armaya sent in the above screenshot of Faience, Elizabeth Harper's shaman. But really, we're not so much on fire, leveling-wise. We are level 11 and above. This makes us just old enough to go into Warsong Gulch, but too young to think of Ragefire Chasm for the next week.

You have already chosen The Barrens for our questing location during these next few levels, so this week's polls will be about adding PvP into the mix and choosing the professions for Amy Schley's rogue. Matthew Rossi is joining us next week and is giving you a chance to choose his class and race. We also have an extra-special, probably meaningless poll that you'll have to click through to see.

First, tell us if we should take breaks from slaughtering the fauna of The Barrens to slaughter the Alliance in Warsong Gulch.

While Elizabeth Harper and I have already chosen our professions, Amy Schley would like you to choose the professions for her troll rogue, Patent.

Matthew Rossi would like you to choose from races and classes he doesn't normally play. The race will choose the class.

And now for the extra-special, probably meaningless poll. Our writers have very busy schedules and not everyone can join us for Choose My Adventure, no matter how much they would like to. So we are not promising anything, but we'd like to know which staffers you would like to join our adventures. (Really, we might as well title this "Vote for Prom Queen!" or " Idol." But since the current participants are not included in the poll, it wouldn't be quite fair.)

Here is our ongoing gallery, chronicling our adventures. If you have a good screenshot of the Choose My Adventure fun that you would like to contribute, please scale it to 1024 pixels wide and send it to

Polls close on Sunday and we'll post the results on Monday. See you at The Crossroads!

If you want to join in on the fun of Choose My Adventure, please join us on US Zangarmarsh-H in <It came from the Blog>. Ask Robiness, Robinemia or any member online for an invite. Guild ranks of Lurker or above have the ability to invite. You are all welcome as long as you play by our simple rules, which can be summed up with "Don't be a Funsucker!" Also, please see the guild FAQ for the most common questions.