
Rumor: Will Final Fantasy XIV be delayed until 2011?

For those of us looking forward to new releases this year, Final Fantasy XIV is one of the few hopes we have that doesn't involve expansions. Unfortunately, a nasty little rumor has been spreading around: that it's not going to be coming out this year after all. The run of login issues that the alpha test has been experiencing has prompted more than a few people to believe that the game is having some serious problems, and we've received a few tips from our readers, as well as a tip-off from an industry insider.

Here's the thing: if it's being delayed, Yoichi Wada certainly doesn't know anything about it. And as the CEO, he's the sort of person who gets kept in the loop. The fine system folks at the Order of the Blue Gartr did an excellent job rounding up much of the information, explaining that the login issues were caused by staff underestimations, not system problems. Wada confirmed elsewhere that the game was on track, both on a Japanese Final Fantasy XIV fan site and via his own tweets. While we don't have an exact date for release just yet, it seems that the game is still on track for this year... for the moment.