
Nexus One's AT&T flavor is out of stock (update: it's back)

We don't mean to fire up any conspiracy theories, but the 850 / 1900MHz 3G version of the Nexus One is nowhere to be found in Google's inventory at the moment -- strange timing, considering how long it's been available and the fact that we're not coming up on a purchase-heavy season like the holidays. That said, there are a few reasonable theories: for one thing, the Nexus One (amazingly) remains the only readily-available high-end Android device that'll run on AT&T's 3G bands; two, we've heard talk that AMOLED supply is tight, which would also explain why Verizon keeps slipping the Droid Incredible's ship date for new buyers; and three, we do know that Google's looking to phase out its online store anyhow. Whatever the reason, Google says the phone is only "temporarily" unavailable, so keep the faith -- it's not like there's an easy way to get Android 2.2 on an AT&T Nexus One right now, anyway.

Update: And that was painless -- it's back in stock.