
Are you free at 5 PM EDT? Join us for TUAW TV Live

OK, I know that because of the long holiday weekend in the United States, a lot of you are still convinced that today is Tuesday. However, a look at the calendar will show you that it is indeed Wednesday. That's the day of the week when your host Steve Sande fires up the lights, camera, and Ustream for TUAW TV Live to bring you the latest in Mac, iPhone, and iPad news and technology.

Steve may have a guest on the show today; if not, he'll demo a handful of new iPad apps, talk about and show off his favorite iPhone photography apps, and let you join in on the discussion of AT&T's new data plans for the U.S. or what to expect in next week's WWDC 2010 keynote address.

Joining in on the fun is easy to do. Just come back to TUAW at about 4:55 PM EDT (1:55 PM PDT) and join us using your favorite browser. If you're on an iPhone or iPad, we'll have instructions on how you can watch the show, although the interactive chat won't be available to you.