
iPhone 4 launch: Updates from iPhone 4 lineups

Customers are lined up across the country and sending reports and photos to our @ask_tuaw Twitter stream. Here are a few of the more interesting tidbits we've received.

Standing in line

As we predicted, the iPhone 4 lines are typically much longer than the iPad lineups were. The Garden State Plaza Apple Store in Paramus, New Jersey closed the non-reservation line (What Chris Breen is calling the "Pray for a Miracle Line") around 9:20 AM. The Biltmore Apple Store's line in balmy Phoenix, Arizona had wrapped around the store by 6:30 AM local time.

Meanwhile, in Oklahoma City, the reservation line was longer than non-res. Twice as long, in fact.

Keeping them happy

Several readers are reporting that Apple Store employees are providing food and drinks to patient customers. In Reno, Nevada, workers are distributing coffee and donuts. Apple Store Crossgates in Albany, NY is also providingbreakfast.


We're getting a lot of snapshots from Twitter. In Lancaster, PA, you can't even see the store from the back of the line. The same is true in Louisville, Kentucky, New York's Soho, and Austin, Texas. Finally, I must give a shout-out to my fellow New Englanders in Salem, New Hampshire.

What's your experience been today? Let us know at @ask_tuaw. Have fun and good luck!