
THQ merchandises the Hell out of Darksiders

Sure, you might have liked Darksiders well enough, but we know what you really wanted from the game: your very own War to lead his own tiny Apocalypse into your living room. THQ is obliging this desire with a line of Darksiders merchandise produced in collaboration with partners in the publishing and toy industries.

Udon Entertainment is producing an Art of Darksiders book featuring "a comprehensive collection of concept art from the game, including original artwork from creative director and comic book legend, Joe Madureira." And SOTA Toys will release a 14" doll action figure statue of War and his horse Ruin. SOTA says that this is just the first item in an eventual Darksiders line.

Both of these items will debut at Comic-Con, which takes place from July 22-25. Preorders for the statue will open on SOTA's site at the same time.