
Kane & Lynch 2 Xbox 360 demo for UK residents on July 1; PS3 and PC demo coming later

Ah, but there is a catch: in order to gain access to the Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days demo, you'll have to send a message to the Kane & Lynch YouTube channel before 11am GMT on June 30 -- and obviously you'll need a YouTube account to do this. Simply put "Token Request" in the subject field and include your date of birth (another catch: gotta be 18 years or older!) and Xbox Live Gamertag in the message body and you're good to go!

This is open to residents of the UK and northern Ireland only -- sorry, everybody else! Come July 1, keep an eye on your YouTube inbox for your unlock code. Oh, and take note that those who are already "friends" of the YouTube channel will get first dibs on the demo codes.

Don't have an Xbox 360? Don't fret, because Destructoid spoke with an Eidos rep who confirmed that a "consumer demo" would be available on the PS3 and PC sometime in the future. The Xbox 360 demo is only exclusive to that platform for a limited time.

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days terrorizes Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on August 24 in North America and August 27 in Europe.