
This week on The MMO Report

This week's MMO Report takes us back to last week's E3 at the Los Angeles convention center, and the show is so packed with content that Casey Schreiner and crew couldn't manage to fit it all into one episode. As a result, you can check out part one this week and wait with baited breath for part two next Thursday.

Speaking of content, Schreiner kicks things off by interviewing Nexon's Eun-Seok Lee and Min Kim about the forthcoming action title Vindictus. Lee talks about the game's non-traditional approach to classes as well as the free-to-play business model. "That's all we do, that's all we know how to do, we kind of invented free to play back in 2000," he says.

Chris Sherland, executive producer on LEGO Universe, is also interviewed on the show, and discusses the creativity inherent in the upcoming title. "We've taken the build metaphor across a number of different levels. If anybody's played the [LEGO] Batman games or the Star Wars games, it's very familiar [to] that early build experience where you're creating something in the world that's pre-determined, but you get that feedback that you've built something. We've that taken that to another level," Sherland says.

Finally, Star Wars The Old Republic writer Daniel Erickson discusses BioWare's decision to avoid demos and simply put the game in the hands of convention-goers, as well as specifics on the game's classes. He also touches on the much-discussed "Hope" trailer, which Casey accurately describes as "better than all three prequels combined."

Check out all the MMO Report E3 action at G4TV or after the jump.