
One Shots: A little light music

While our friend and fellow blogger, Petter Mårtensson, undoubtedly plays tons of MMOs, we love it when he sends in screenshots from his travels in Star Wars Galaxies. With a creative community and tons to do, you can never quite tell what's going to happen when you turn around. Take, for example, this entertainer, who decided to set up shop in an interesting location. We'll let Petter tell you more about it: "Usually you find entertainers in the cantinas, but this guy had decided to set up a show at the Mos Eisley starport instead -- giving a warm welcome to all who came to visit that particular hive of scum and villainy."

Calling all MMO players: we need your screenshots for One Shots! If you'd like to take part, just snap an interesting screenshot from your favorite game and email it to us here at Be sure to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. (Guild, server, or anything else of that nature is welcome too.) Yours could be the next one we feature here on Massively!