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Azeroth is facing cataclysmic changes and is no exception. Long-time readers will remember that our site lived at since we spun off from our mother site, Joystiq, lo those many years ago. Our corporate parent, AOL, owned the domain, and about 15 months ago, we migrated our site to that address.

Now we are moving forward once again and we will be rejoining with our flagship site at the new address And we will again be known as WoW Insider. The move hasn't happened yet, so don't be alarmed if you go to that address and see other video game news. It will be happening very soon.

We're still the same team working for the same people writing the same great content for you every day. We have not been bought, sold or otherwise mangled by the Twisting Nether. This is simply a website address change. Adam, Alex and Sacco will still answer your questions in The Queue every day, class columnists will still post weekly updates on how to be a better player and Michael Gray will still be posting pictures of the canine incarnation of Sylvanas, Queen of the Forsaken.

When we change over, please update your bookmarks and excuse the mess while we fix any broken code or links on our side. If you read our site through an RSS reader, you will need to update to the new feed when it becomes available, if you subscribed to the feed. The older WoW Insider RSS feeds will redirect to the new site.

Thanks for bearing with us through this transition. We have a lot of great content planned for you in the coming months including our infamous and extensive BlizzCon coverage, our Cataclysm beta news and analysis and more!

Dan O'Halloran
Editor-in-Chief, WoW Insider
Part of the Joystiq network