
Updated: Latest round of Aion server transfers botched

Aion players have been anxiously awaiting this week's round of server transfers. They waited for their chance, paid their subscription fees, and looked forward to server transfer day. That day was supposed to be today -- the Aion servers were down for maintenance with server transfers being part of the deal.

Unfortunately, there was a glitch in the system somewhere. When the servers came back online, players found themselves on the same old servers. Aion's Community Manager Andrew Beegle has been keeping frustrated players up-to-date via Twitter, and the latest update from about an hour ago indicates that the transfers won't happen today. "Greetings Daevas! We had to postpone transfers due to some technical difficulties. We will have a new date for the transfers ASAP. "

We'll keep an eye out for that new date here at Massively.

[UPDATE: We've heard from NCsoft, and Aion players will be happy to hear that the server transfer issue will be cleared up very soon. "The transfers will be executed at 10am CDT tomorrow for North America and 10pm CDT tonight for European territories."]