
Apple is the most-covered tech company

Here's a bit of news that's no shock to us. According to the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism, Apple receives more coverage from the press than any other tech company.

The research center recently concluded a year-long study, which found that a full 15.1 percent of all tech articles were about Apple. Google commanded 11.4 percent of articles while 3 percent were primarily about Microsoft. The study used data from 52 newspapers, broadcast, and websites from June 2009 through June 2010.

What's powering Apple's popularity? Its computers represent only a fraction of those in use. However, the iPhone and the iPod's meteoric rise to stardom, and infiltration of popular culture, has caught the attention of journalists across the globe.

But there's more to it than that. Amy S. Mitchell, the deputy director of the Project, notes the hype that precedes a new release, as well as Apple's "very public way of releasing products," is powerful. As I said on a recent podcast, even the local news station in my little Podunk town covered the recent iPod updates.

As I said, telling us that Apple gets a lot of press coverage is like telling bees that honey is popular. But anecdotal evidence is one thing; empirical research is another.