
iOS social apps attracting more eyes than top TV shows

In the battle for viewer eyes, Apple appears to be making some huge strides. How huge? Well, ad group Flurry says that socially aware iOS apps now have a larger audience share than some of the top TV shows.

Flurry estimated that 19 million iOS device owners are connecting for more than 22 minutes -- the length of an average prime-time TV show, minus ads. That puts iOS viewing on a par with such popular shows as ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" and NBC's Sunday Night Football.

Researchers at Flurry say that their study is simply an extrapolation, since only about 50,000 of the total 250,000+ apps in the App Store contain Flurry components. There are other ad platforms used in some wildly popular iOS apps, so the total number of viewers / users could top even the highest-rated TV shows such as American Idol.

The point of the Flurry research seems to be that advertisers should take heed of mobile apps and spend more of their advertising budgets in that market, since that is where the eyes are moving. When you consider that the App Store has only been around for a little over two years and iOS apps are already competing with the decades-old entrenched television ad market, it's a sign that some very big changes are in store for the advertising industry.