
One Shots: Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

With the NDA down on DC Universe Online, lots of people are starting to talk about their experiences in the beta. Case in point -- Larry's great overview of the game that we published yesterday! I've also been playing through DC Universe Online for quite some time, and being a total DC Comics freak, I couldn't resist sharing one of my own screenshots from the game on today's One Shots. This image features my fire/dual-pistols character who has been patrolling the dangerous streets of Gotham at the request of Batman. Personally, I love getting to spend time with characters that I've read so much about over the years. It's especially cool when you can look up and see the bat-signal over the city!

Are you taking part in the DC Universe Online beta? Would you like to show off a screenshot of one of your favorite areas or standing next to one of your favorite characters? We're on the lookout for lots of heroic images. Send yours in to us here at along with your name, and a description of what we're seeing. (If you're sending in a screenshot from another game, please be sure to tell us what game it is!) We'll post it out here and give you the credit for sending it in.