
Suddenlink starts rolling out TiVo with cable VOD and some streaming, says lack of Netflix isn't on them

Residents of Lubbock and Midland, Texas have a new option in set-top boxes from Suddenlink, now that the cable company has started rolling out the TiVo Premiere. The difference here is that the TiVo's can access Suddenlink's VOD, as well as stream YouTube and Pandora. As far as the other internet sources typically available on a TiVo, the company confirmed to Multichannel News it is negotiating with Blockbuster, Amazon and Hulu Plus. Netflix is currently not on the list of possibles and Suddenlink says it's not their fault, citing Netflix's agreements with the studios as a reason why its Watch Instantly service cannot coexist on hardware distributed by cable companies.Otherwise the usual suite of TiVo features is in full effect and they're available for the same price as Suddenlink's old boxes making this a pretty good looking upgrade if you can't bear to lose VOD access.