
One Shots: A festive find

With the holidays in full swing, there are lots of festive decorations to be found, from large to small. Today's example comes to us from William B., who plays the character Felona Venes in Final Fantasy XIV. While moogles aren't always known for getting things quite right (especially during holidays), it appears that the group in charge of decorations did a splendid job setting this scene. William writes in to explain: "The Starlight Celebration has come to Eorzea, creating some nice new photo-ops of the event. I snapped this picture in Ul'dah's market-place. The tree with the huge city in the background looked simply stunning to me."

One Shots is always interested in great scenic shots from around the MMOGsphere. If you'd like to show off a lovely view you've found during your travels then just email it to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. Please make sure your image is at least 1024px wide and has no visible UI elements. It could be the next one featured here on Massively!