
Sparrow for Mac coming to Mac App Store

The developers behind the up and coming Sparrow email client confirmed that version 1.0 is almost completed. A successful private beta trial is almost over, and the last reported bugs are being fixed. Sparrow is on track to be submitted to the Mac App Store by the end of the week. Along with a new version of the application, the developers also unveiled the new logo for Sparrow, which is shown above.

Released in October as a beta, the recent beta 7 version of Sparrow included support for advertisements that could be switched off in the preferences. When this version debuted, the developers confirmed that future versions of the email client would be available as a free or paid version. Now that Sparrow's appearance in the Mac App Store is imminent, pricing for this premium version has been announced. According to Sparrow's blog post, the pricing will be as follows:

Paid: Sparrow will cost $24,99 but early birds will benefit from the $19,99 introductory price.

The premium version of Sparrow will not include ads and will let you add multiple accounts, while Sparrow Lite, the free version, will include Carbon Ads and will be limited to one account only.

[Via Macstories]