
One Shots: Relaxing with an old friend

Every day we get tons of great screenshots from readers both old and new. However, among those emails are names that immediately jump out, such as today's One Shots contributor, Johanis -- a man who has sent in dozens of images to share his adventures with us over the last few years. Today we have a recent screenshot from EverQuest II and a note to tell us about what he's currently up to. Johanis writes: "Here is Pollo -- my level 32 Wizard in EverQuest II. While he was busy doing quests and harvesting materials in Butcherblock Mountains, he decided to stop and enjoy the scenery -- something none of us does enough."

Would you like to share some images of your recent adventures? We're always on the hunt for more screenshots of the many different MMOs out there -- but we need your help. Email your screenshots in to us at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here and give you the credit for sending it in!